Thailand day 14: Chiang Rai

After yesterday’s experience I took  raincoat and a sweatshirt with me. Of course the only thing I needed today was sunscreen, which I left in the hostel.

First I visited Wat Rong Suea Ten = Blue Temple.

Except the beuty of the temple I could also admire creation of new statues
and how many monks are going for pilgrimage.

Baandam museum (translates as museum of black houses) is created by national artist Thawan Duchanee. His collection of etnical objects from all around the world is pretty impressive.

Union of Hill Tribe Villages is another open air museum, showing life of 5 minorities (Ahka, Yao, Lahu, Kayor, Long Neck Karen) from Chiang Rai mountains. I have to say it was a bit of dissapointment, the only thing I saw was a souvenier shop, when some of the sellers would wear traditional clothes.The only interresting thing was discovering that village people do not have anything to do since govermont prohibited opium business. Museum is trying to collect money for the villagers, so children can go to school and find a new life style.
Here I also met my first live snake.

I definitely liked more university campus. The area is pretty huge, a lot of green areas, simply a nice place for studying.

I expected little more from real „giraffe woman“ (as Polish explorer Vitold de Golish called them) village – but also here it was pretty much just a gift shop.
At least it shown me their house.

Mae Salong is a small village in mountains and the view from here is spectacular. It was interesting to join local funeral. I have not seen many times people sitting around the coffin and eating, drinking, playing cards, etc.

On the way back to the town I took a bath in the spa. Locals were drinking eggs boiled for 30 minutes directly in the thermal pool water.

In the evening there were „walking street“ markets. I have to admin that Thai pop music is not one of my favourite.

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