Thailand day 3: from Bangkoku to Koh Tao


Another long night is over. From 9pm to 3:30am on a bus, then motorcycle taxi, since 6am transfer to port and from 7am to 10am on ferry. Did not really sleep enough…

When we were arriving to the island and saw a scenery not worse than the most beautiful puzzles, postcards or wallpapers, tiredness got away. I would not believe something this nice can actually exist.

As here (unlike Nepal) it is necessary to pay for accommodation and nice 2 bed room is just little bit more expensive than a bed in dormitory, I was really happy to meet canadian Stephen and 2 English friends. With them we got 2 very nice rooms almost in the beach for 300 THB (8 UER) per person.

After late breakfast we rented snorkeling equipment (100 THP per glasses, snorkel and pins) and went on jeep to Shark bay.
Because of the name, I dressed brown security panties. Fear disappeared immediately after getting to water and seeing first colourful coral fishes.

When we found first sharks and realized not all of them are like the ones from Jaws movie, we could not have been happier. 
Unfortunately after an hour in the water I got unsupportable head pain. I was hoping short relax on the beach will help, but I did not return to water again…

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